Saturday, July 3, 2010


Exactly after 6 months the second eclipse of The Sun is taking place. This eclipse is happening within the said square formation of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo sign. The Sun will be covered by Moon on a Sunday, the 11th July 2010, in the sign of Gemini. The Rahu [Dragon’s head] is in the sign of Sagittarius. The Saturn is in Virgo with mutual aspect to Jupiter in the Pisces. After 13 and ½ days from 11th July 2010 approximately, Moon will come in opposition angle to Sun. All these periods and, till the next Lunar eclipse on Dec 2010; are very much important for The Zodiac, 12 Signs and the Mother Earth. A massive turnaround of events [for good and bad] worldwide will happen which will be felt by the masses.

Characteristics which remain for the next two years or more which started from 2009 September onwards when the Saturn entered Virgo (as per vedic system).
1. Chances of big break out of war within a year.
2. Very good time for worldwide arts/cinema/animation, crafts, engineering, innovations, scientific/cultural rises, creative ideas etc.
3. A famine 2010/2011 with ethnic clashes, deprivation, shortage of food stock, corruption, natural disasters like volcano eruption, floods, industrial disasters (already happening) like gas lick, oil spill etc.

Expectations on different signs: Whats your rashi ?
________________________________________Aries: Positive change of luck with direct and indirect influence of foreign connections. A channel will be formed to enhance your property. Those who are longing to sale inherited property will be successful to garner wealth out of it. Your ailing parents will be restored to health. In total, your time is good. You will start a refreshed life. One hint about your spouse’s falling in extra marital affair may be noted.
Taurus: Very good for property and wealth but bad for physical injury, don’t worry, you will be saved by miracle. Not good for your elder off-spring. There will be illicit relationship/romance brewing in your house/around which could bring altercations and fight. A dead born baby for young Taurus person is not ruled out. Babies could be born out of wed lock too in various cases [in general]. It will be very difficult for Taurus to hold the wealth for long time in future. You will have a feeling that you are the poorest person of this planet. Learn to be content.
Gemini: Goof! You are in for domestic discontent my dear. Your outstanding connections will mostly be lost and formed afresh. This is very bad phase for the countries like USA too, as it is believed that The USA is Gemini. Gemini natives could be in for a divorce and remarriage which will be equally bad. There will be difficulties from the entire corner including your health. If you are a businessman, you will definitely loose a chunk of your capital. It is a struggling time for students but not as bad as, they will retain their intelligence and be able to sustain the bad phase. Your good time will begin after a month (only on finance and education front). So, exercise patience. Maximum natives of Gemini sign have genuine good period actually from next year (2011) December.
Cancer: This eclipse could bring some anxious moments on account of your father’s health. If you are married second time, then your spouse’s health also will be worse. There would be expenditure occurred on travel and health issues etc. Purchase of a dwelling house/flat is indicated. A vehicular injury is not ruled out. You are seen to be pursuing honestly to save money. You would be 50% successful! An indication of your getting a job is also there. Relation with your next younger sibling may not be well. Your children will grow stronger with well-bred education. You could have some skin infection/disease. The domestic quarrel may be harmful for your mother’s health. Other than job prospects, children and dwelling house, nothing else will bring in desired result, it seems.
Leo: This is a brief period of a month approximately that you will triumph with success. You are in for a huge financial loss which would start anytime for different Leo natives from August 2010 or, thereafter. So, mind your investment and career change. People linked with government are also likely to face loss of finance due to children’s health (blood oriented) or, any other matter like education, overseas/distant education etc. There could be financial loss due to mishap created by your elder child too. Leo natives are advised to maintain all their water tanks, pipelines etc. If you deal with liquid (petroleum, milk, alcohol, water, medicines, blood etc), be careful in handling them; you are in for some hazard which links with your financial loss. This is good for Leo native’s overseas, distant travel. Your own health will be alright in general. If you have some health issues, well in most cases, it will enhance your future longevity. Remain a vegetarian to get the maximum better out put of Saturn. A physical/mental distance from your children is foreseen. I think it is due to the educational/job career. The enemies of Leo will be able to succeed so, ruling political leaders, be prepared to accept it with humility. Leo natives will have health disorder when the Saturn enters in the star of Chitra (a star ruled by planet Mars) next year.
Very bad period is approaching for many important governments including India, China, Great Britain, European nations, Israel, USA etc. Not so bad for South America, Africa, Australia.
Virgo: Some gain, some loss, mixed feeling. Be aware of your sexual integration. A good time for your eldest child. You may loose some property with loss, may buy a property with loss and, on the other hand, sometimes you may win some lottery. You would have frequent quarrels occurring at your home and surrounding. A transfer (job/career/dwelling) is most likely. Some of Virgo natives will have their second marriage this year. Government employees would face hidden enmity; a promotional transfer is not ruled out. Virgo natives linked with politics, government link will be very powerful; some will have a little bad name too.
This is not a kind period for some influential natives like big political leaders who could be assassinated or killed by air crashes, accidents etc. Specially, one, or some of those young leaders who came in power during Saturn’s transit through Leo.
Libra: I prefer to say that Libra sign natives will have nice time in broad-spectrum. Specially in winning court cases, competitions etc. Maximum Libra natives will find good home abroad. A period of super connectivity. A little bad time for your father though! Some depressed time may prevail due home sickness. No difficulty would be felt on financial front. Some natives with Saturn and Mars affliction in the natal horoscope may get stuck at the last moment, while preparing to travel/settle abroad. It may be delayed by a year. The children of Librans may not face good situation in academic direction for a year. Time for old Libra natives to face medical/life threatening menace.
People linked with arts and culture will have improvement in performances and innovative creation.
Scorpio: Scorpio natives will be successful in owning vehicles, properties, business equipments etc. Your apparent financial affluence is seen as restricted but, not very bad either. Natives connected with defense jobs, will have bad postings where sufferings will be more. Those who have benevolent Jupiter in natal horoscope will be blessed with off-springs; a spontaneous pleasantness will prevail in their lives. The position of the square formation tells that Scorpio natives should not be over aggressive, while negotiating dangerous situation.
Number of air disasters/crashes with load of military/armed people or, some other kind of mass destruction of armed force people are seriously predicted for a year from now.

Sagittarius: Financially almost alright. You have to be hard-working to achieve your desired goal. Stay way from criticizing other people. Hold back your individual ego and bury your past memories of discontent. Watch your intakes, you are growing fat. You have to be patient to see a proper good time of yours for another year, so do not make mistakes your enemies are waiting for! Sagittarian natives with disciplined food and exercise will win over all difficulties and other Sagittarians will not, it is so simple. A very good time for natives who are launching a second venture after learning from the failure from the first. Those who are into transport business, will have to bear huge expenditures occurred due to unserviceable head lights.

Capricorn: Good for politicians who are in opposition party. For better financial opportunity, you have to wait for the Saturn to enter Libra sign. Some married natives will have tough time to continue wedded life. Those who are struggling for career will be successful. In general view, this period of series of successes for Capricorn born natives, which started from last year, will last for another three years minimum! All your enemy’s super right calculations will prove to be wrong in restricting your way to achievement. At the same time, you have to be prepared to stay confined/jailed/hospitalized on a number of occasions.

Aquarius: Some of you will be successful in pursuing academic profession. Elderly natives would suffer from asthmatic ailments! A sudden huge loss of life-time for share brokers/traders of this sign is very likely. Domestic disharmony will take a toll on your health. Your good time will start when Saturn enters Libra.
Pisces: Some of you may loose your spouse. A bad phase for your own health too. You are lucky to garner property, inheritance etc. Pisces natives will develop some highly influential/helpful connection. Some of you will be promoted and transferred. Those dealing in stock market will be benefitted. Some of you will face enmity from your own children. You could have leg injury too. Those who are longing for overseas luck/career will find good time from Dec 2010. Be careful, some of you who are deceitful, are in for admin/legal trouble [which will be very serious of nature and enough to put you in jail].

Hare Krsna..!

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